- Abomasal emptying defect (AED)
- Abortion
- Brucellosis
- Acidosis
- Arthritis
- Bacterial meningitis
- Bent leg (a form of rickets)
- Bloat
- Bluetongue
- Border Disease
- Caseous Lymphadenitis
- Clostridial Diseases
- Cobalt deficiency (vitamin B12 deficiency)
- Congenital defects
- Copper deficiency
- Copper toxicity
- Diarrhea (Scours)
- Diarrhea in young (neonatal) lambs and kids
- Diarrhea in older lambs and kids
- Diarrhea in adult sheep and goats
- Dystocia (lambing difficulty)
- E. Coli scours (watery mouth)
- Entropion (inverted eye lid)
- Epididymitis (Brucella Ovis)
- External Parasites (ectoparasites)
- Facial eczema
- Fescue Toxicosis
- Foot-and-mouth disease
- Footrot
- Goiter
- Grass tetany
- Hypothermia (chilling)
- Internal Parasites
- Other tapeworm infections
- Meningeal worm
- Johne’s Disease
- Joint or navel ill
- Lameness
- Laminitis (founder)
- Listeriosis (circling disease)
- Mastitis (hard bag, blue bag)
- Measles
- Milk fever
- Ovine progressive pneumonia
- Pink eye
- Soremouth (orf) in sheep and goats
- Pizzle Rot (sheath rot)
- Plant poisoning
- Pneumonia
- Polioencephalomalacia
- Polyarthritis
- Pregnancy Toxemia
- Rabies
- Rectal Prolapse
- Ringwomb
- Ringworm
- Ryegrass staggers
- Scrapie
- Scrotal hernia
- Septic pedal arthritis
- Spider Syndrome
- Urinary calculi
- Uterine prolapse
- Vaginal Prolapse
- White muscle disease