This is caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes which may colonise the tonsils and be passed out in faeces. Listeria are wide spread in nature and are often found in cheese and silage. Exposure results in infection but disease is uncommon.
- None.
Piglets, Weaners & Growers
- The bacterium may cause a septicaemia and high temperature in piglets.
- Nervous signs possibly meningitis.
- Weak piglets at birth.
- Pneumonia.
- Head on one side.
- Middle ear infections.
Causes / Contributing factors
- Stress causing the bacteria to invade the system.
- PRRS or Flu.
- Heavy environmental exposure
Laboratory examinations are necessary.
- Listeria are usually sensitive to penicillin and ampicillin
- In outbreaks it is necessary to identify the sources of infection and reduce the exposure to them.