This is a tumour affecting all the lymph glands throughout the body but particularly those of the intestines and lungs. The condition is very occasionally seen in the Large White where a hereditary component is thought to be involved.
Reported levels of lymphosarcoma found at slaughter are extremely low (0.002%).
- N/A
Sows, Weaners & Growers
- These are usually seen in young growing pigs.
- Pale skin.
- Sometimes slightly jaundiced.
- Loss of weight.
- Pot bellied appearance – abdomen distended.
- Enlarged glands may be seen in the neck.
- Most pigs die within 4-5 months.
Causes / Contributing factors
- Unknown but thought to be associated with a virus and genetic predisposition.
This is based on clinical tests confirmed by post mortem examinations.
- None – Destroy affected pigs