Transmissible Enteritis, Bluecomb


Some coronaviruses involved in this condition are considered to be bovine coronaviruses (or closely related thereto); others are avian coronaviruses closely related to infectious bronchitis virus. The infection is seen in turkeys and sometimes pheasants. Morbidity is close to 100% and mortality is 5-100%. Transmission is lateral with birds and faeces, with rapid spread. The course of the disease is about 2 weeks and birds then remain carriers for months. The viruses survive in frozen faeces for months.


  • Anorexia.
  • Depression.
  • Frothy diarrhoea.
  • Subnormal body temperature.
  • Darkening of the head.
  • Loss of weight.
  • Huddling.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Dehydration.
  • Emaciation.
  • Enteritis with petechial haemorrhages.
  • Froth ingesta.
  • Sometimes casts.
  • Pancreas chalky.
  • Urates in kidneys/ureters.


Reproduction with filtered contents, isolation in turkey eggs, electron microscopy, immuno-fluorescence, Elisa. Commercial M4I IB Elisa will detect some infections.


Warmth and good management, antibiotics, milk replacer, potassium chloride. Disinfect and rest houses for 3-4 weeks.


All-in/all-out production, good hygiene and biosecurity, good management.


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